I am so sad Christmas has come and gone. It was a great one for are whole family. Christmas Eve we first went to Adam's family's where Cliff and Casey made Prime Rib yummy. Then we went to my mom's and dads for the annual opening of Christmas Pj's and and reading the Christmas story and the Night before Christmas. The kids were all so excited. We came home and Bryton and Ashton went out and sprinkled the reindeer food for the reindeer all over the new snow and put the treats out for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer. I could not believe how fast they went to sleep. The next morning Both of our families came over it was so awesome having them all together to see the kids open their presents. We decided to start a new tradition this year. Before the kids go in and open their presents we sit down and say a prayer to start the morning off remembering the real reason for the season. It was nice to start the morning off this way. I thought Bryton may be in a hurry to go and see what Santa left but he actually was just fine. Then we spent the rest of the day eating and eating and putting legos together and playing with new toys and enjoying each other. I love Christmas.
We live, We Laugh, We Play, We love
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by Asay's at 7:40 AM 2 comments
Polar Express
We had the opportunity a few weeks to go on the Polar Express. It was such a great time. It will definitely be a new tradition. We went and ate at the home of the train before and the kids loved that. Cliff and Casey (Adam's brother and sister in law) were able to come up from Vernal which was nice because the boys were able to be all together to see the North Pole for the first time.
Posted by Asay's at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas Fun
Christmas has officially arrived at our house. Last Saturday we went to see Santa Train. This started about four years ago and has been a tradition every since. We go to the train station in Provo and the kids get to see Santa and see inside of the train. Adam's dad was actually the one who received the first invite, and every year since they are so nice to call us back. Bryton loves it , Paige on the other hand not so much. She was so afraid of Santa. As you can tell by the picture. Bryton is so funny. When we were in Disneyland he would say "thats not really mickey mouse, right mom. Thats just a person dressed up like Mickey Mouse." He is such an observant little boy. He has to know just how everything works. We were watching the Thanksgiving day parade and when he saw Santa he was really worried that it was not him because his beard was not long enough. But Santa train had a very long beard and he was so glad to see that. The first thing that he said was " Mom look how long Santa's beard is." it was a great day.
Grandpa and Isaac
Posted by Asay's at 7:45 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Thanksgiving (better late then never)
Every year we attempt to go to both families for thanksgiving!! I know we are crazy.I guess we just like to see how much weight we can gain in one day. This year was no different. We start at the Asay's. This is a big family, all of Chris's family comes and also Greg's Dad and sisters. It's a lot of fun, Bryton loves playing with his cousins. Grandma Huff asks the kids every year to say what they are Thankful for before dinner, and this year for some reason Adam and I were considered children again. It was funny!! After the Asay's we go to my family's. So much smaller. We usually spend the rest of the night there eat again, and play games. I love that my kids have so many people in there lives that love and care for them. Our families our amazing. Greg and Chris invited my family over to Thanksgiving at there house, but my mom had to work that afternoon, so they were not able to go. But I love that they get along so well. I am so thankful for family!!!!
On our way to Grandma's house.
Paige, me, Kaitlyn, and mom.
Grandma and Aunt Ina
Bryton and his best buddy Uncle Kade
Paige kissing Santa at Grandma Asay's
Adam taking the official after dinner position.
Posted by Asay's at 7:26 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thankful (warning really long post)
What a crazy week it has been. My little Paigie ended up in the hospital. It started last Monday with Paige throwing up ,after that once she seemed to be fine and did not throw up the rest of the day. I thought oh maybe she just ate something that made her tummy upset. Boy was I wrong. I tried all of the tricks, the BRAT diet, stirring the carbonation out of coke and giving her just a little bit at a time, no milk just pedilyte and just about anything else that i could think of to get her to keep something down. Well by Wednesday she just was not getting better if anything worse, so I took her to the Dr. Bryton had to be hospitalized for dehydration when he was little so I knew that this was a possibility,I also knew how fast it can happen. The Dr. looked at her and said "lets just watch her and see how she does. She is not dehydrated yet but it can happen really quickly, she needs to be able to keep down liquids." That night the Dr. called back and asked how she was, by that time she had kept down about 16oz of pedilyte so I thought that she was getting better. The next day she continued to keep down some pedilyte but still just did not act like her self. Poor little stink, just kept pointing to her chair and saying ea ea (eat) so I decided to try some chicken noodle soup, well that was a mistake she threw up that and most of the pedilyte that she had that afternoon. So Friday we were back at the Dr. I was pretty sure that we would end up going to the hospital but hearing the Dr. tell us that was what needed to happen just made me so sad. As a mother you want to do all that you can for your kids and always keep them out of harms way. I just kept thinking wow this is my second time doing this maybe I am doing something wrong. When Bryton went in he was so dehydrated that they only could get a good vain for his IV in his head which was so sad. I was so worried that they would have to do the same thing to Paige. The first time they tried it her little hand and it looked like it had worked. She was so brave she barely even cried, but before they got to much further it blew, then she cried! I thought to myself oh this is going to be just like Bryton, but luckly the second time it worked great. I felt so bad for her having to have her arm all taped up like that, but I knew that it would make her feel so much better at the same time. It's amazing how much you learn from yor first child, I am soory Bryton. But I was a lot calmer this time around not just because I knew that things were going to be OK, but I knew that I had to make sure Paige did not feel my fear or sadness. They ran the tests and everything came back pointing to signs of dehydration and nothing else, which was such a relief. The first night was the worst. She had so many things hooked up to her that she had a really hard time sleeping, and every time she moved I was worried she was going to pull her IV out. She is my baby that wants to be in her crib and really cant sleep well unless she is. Which is completely opposite from Bryton, when he was hospitalized I said we cant have a crib we need a bed he only sleeps with us. I just wanted to hold her all night but she would point to the crib. I asked her if she wanted to lay down in the crib and she would say "yeah." As soon as she moved the cords would get in the way and wake her right up. The next night she only had the IV they were able to take the other monitors off so she slept much better. Both nights as I laid in the chair next to her crib I felt so many different emotions. I was sad, worried about Bryton, worried about Paige, tired, but so thankful for so many things in my life. Thankful that we have hospitals and Doctors to take care of our children when they are sick. Thankful for amazing friends and family that are always there for us. I want to tell you all that I truly do not know what I would do with out you. My family was so great to help us with Bryton. He got to spend all day Sunday with Grandpa KK and they both had such a great time. I love you mom and dad and don't know what I would do without you. To all of our dear friends thanks for the phone calls, the prayers, and just the genuine concern for our family. The phrase Ward Family has taken on a whole new meaning to me. Aunt Kellie and Uncle Dustin and there cute family were also amazing as they always are. Paige is very much a mommy's girl when she is sick. Kellie came over Saturday night to the hospital and Paige went right to her and almost fell a sleep on her, she loves her Aunt Kellie. Thankful for a caring son and brother.Bryton was so worried about Paige that he turned down going to the movies, because he "just wanted to go see his sister at the hospital." And last but by far the least thankful for the gospel. What an amazing thing to have in our life, to see Grandpa Issac and Adam lay there hands on Paige's head and give her a blessing, ohh the comfort that this brings to me. I am so thankful for Adam as the priesthood holder in our home, he is an amazing man. The Sunday before Paige got sick our Relief Society lesson was "Stand fast through the Storms of Life " So many things that we had talked about in relief society brought me much comfort through this rough time. At one point in the lesson it says " God will support and bless those who trust him in their times if trial." I know that in comparison to some trials this is such a small one but I learned so much from it. On Sunday they asked us if we would like to have the sacrament brought in to us. The spirit was so strong in that room as they knelt on the hard cold floor and blessed the bread and the water. So yes it was a rough week but also a great week to remember that I have soooo much to be thankful for. And last night as I rocked Paige to sleep in our rocking chair with no IV tubing in the way, And knew that Bryton was in the other room waiting for his bed time story(which is actually a song after Dad reads a real bedtime story) I thought to my self never take something as simple as this for granted again. Always be thankful for all that you have been blessed with.
We didn't have our camera but her our some pics off of Adam's phone.
She was such a happy girl after she got some fluids in her.
Posted by Asay's at 11:50 AM 4 comments
So I have been tagged by Jennifer L. Go to your 4th picture file and post the 4th picture. Here is Bryton Christmas 2006. He had just woke up and came out to see what Santa had left him. He is so little, oh I just love this little kid. Thanks Jennifer, it was fun looking at these pictures again. So I tag Kellie L, Angela J, and Jennifer D. Have fun girls!!!
Posted by Asay's at 8:35 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
October Fun
Wow October is always a busy month for us but this one seemed exceptionally busy. We had two birthdays. All the fun Fall activities, and Halloween. Bryton turned 5 and Adam turned 27, I can’t believe that either one of them is that old. Adams birthday was on conference weekend so he actually got to sleep in on Sunday. I think that may have been his favorite birthday present. Our family came over that night for dinner and to open presents. Bryton really wanted a Army birthday party, I hesitated about this at first but it actually turned out really well, and him and his friends had so much fun.
It was such a lazy Sunday we all just stayed in comfy clothes watched conference and just enjoyed being together!!
Bryton's Birthday
OK I know I am not Betty Crocker, but Bryton really wanted a tank cake, so I tried.
We had an obstacle course for one of the games during Bryton’s birthday. It was so funny, the boys were really intense. Bryton going under the ropes.
The boys could not break the pinata so Uncle Weston and Dad decided to .
free for all for the candy. Later Uncle Kody came and we played drill Sargent says, which was a big hit. I cant believe that Bryton is 5, I love him so much.
Fall Fun
Halloween 2008
We always go to the Asay's for Halloween. Chris makes Sloppy Joes and then we go trick or treating. This year Cliff and Casey came down (Adam's brother and sister in law) so it was great. We went over to my mom's and dad's too, and got a special treat from grandma KK. Bryton had a great day at pre-school. They all dressed up and had a party.
Getting ready to go to school
Paige, Atty, Ashton, and Bryton.
Posted by Asay's at 3:45 PM 3 comments