Asay Family
We live, We Laugh, We Play, We love

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I am so sad Christmas has come and gone. It was a great one for are whole family. Christmas Eve we first went to Adam's family's where Cliff and Casey made Prime Rib yummy. Then we went to my mom's and dads for the annual opening of Christmas Pj's and and reading the Christmas story and the Night before Christmas. The kids were all so excited. We came home and Bryton and Ashton went out and sprinkled the reindeer food for the reindeer all over the new snow and put the treats out for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer. I could not believe how fast they went to sleep. The next morning Both of our families came over it was so awesome having them all together to see the kids open their presents. We decided to start a new tradition this year. Before the kids go in and open their presents we sit down and say a prayer to start the morning off remembering the real reason for the season. It was nice to start the morning off this way. I thought Bryton may be in a hurry to go and see what Santa left but he actually was just fine. Then we spent the rest of the day eating and eating and putting legos together and playing with new toys and enjoying each other. I love Christmas.


Kellie said...

Have I told you lately that I love your kids!!! They look so stinkin cute Christmas morning. Get ready to party it up tonight!!!! :)

Natalie said...

Sounds like a wonderful Christmas. Isn't it so fun to be a mom?! Especially on Christmas to see their joy and excitement! I love your new tradition