We went to the Sand Dunes last weekend , and had such a great time with great friends. The weather was perfect. Bryton has asked everyday since when we are going back.The kids had so much fun riding and playing in the sand. We brought Paige's little 4 wheeler, it wouldn't go but her and Gavin sure had a lot of fun just sitting on them and trying to make them go.
Bryton loved riding in the sand. He stayed on the flats where the sand was a little harder. At one point he did get stuck in the sand, so he got off his bike and just started walking beside it giving it gas trying to get it out. Luckily Adam got to him before the bike took off. He is so funny, he will turn corners so fast that it looks like he is going to tip over, even with the training wheels. I on the other hand did not like the sand so well. I didn't get a paddle tire and I really could not ride anywhere. But I loved watching Bryton and Adam ride. You can hear Paige in the background saying "come on" to Adam because she wanted a ride. It was a lot of fun watching Adam and Dustin ride, they love it and they are really good at it. What a great day!
We live, We Laugh, We Play, We love
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Welcome Spring
Posted by Asay's at 12:14 PM 5 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
So Kellie tagged me a while ago, and I am finally getting around to posting. I guess she new I needed a little push. I don't know what I would do with out my Mr. Man. I started calling him that when he was really young because he always acted older, and wanted to be older then he was. He has taught me so much. I love you Bryton!!!
Baby Tag!
Where were you when you first found out that you were pregnant? At home
2. Who was with you? Adam
3. How did you find out that you were pregnant? Pregnancy test
4. What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? Very happy
5. Who was the first person you told? Adam
6. Did you plan to get pregnant? Not really, I was not the best at the whole birth control thing.
7. Did you tell everyone else right away? Yes. I wanted to be one of those people that wait but I couldn't
8. Was everybody happy for you? Yes
9. Did you go out and celebrate? No
10. Did you want to find out the sex? YES
11.What was the sex? BOY
12. Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yes
13. Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you wouldn't put on your baby? Oh what a horrible question, the answer is Yes.
14. How much weight did you gain? Wow can these get any worse 30lbs
15. Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Yes
16. Did you get any stretch marks? Nope
17. What did you crave the most? Mexican food, even though I had the worst heart burn
18. Did you crave anything crazy?no
19. Who or what got on your nerves? Work
20. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Yes
21. Where and when did you go into labor? The hospital
22. Did your water break? Thanks to the Dr.
23. Who drove you to the hospital? Adam
24. Who was in the room when you gave birth? Adam and my mom
25. Did you go early or late? early
26. How long were you in labor for? About 9 hours but i only pushed for about 5 min. Labor is the easy part of my pregnancies thank heavens
27. Did you have any drugs for the pain? Yes
28. Did you go natural or have a C-section? natural
29. What was your first reaction after giving birth? I could not stop crying. I know what a shock right.
30. How big was the baby? 8 pounds 1 ounces 19 inches long
31. Did your husband cry? Yes he did, don't tell.
32. What did you name the baby? Bryton Donald Asay
33. Does his name have any significant meaning? Donald after my grandpa.
34. Did you have any visitors? Yes
35.Did the baby have any complications? Yes, he had to be in NICU but we did get to bring him home with us when I was discharged.
36. How old is your baby today? My baby is 5
37. When is the next one coming? ??????
38. If you could, would you do it all over again? Absolutely
39. I tag Jennifer, Kelly, and anyone else you wants to.
Posted by Asay's at 7:30 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Yea Supercross season has begun!!! It actually started last week. We are so happy. Someone asked Bryton what we do on Sundays and he said "we go to church, watch motorcycles, and make cookies" What a great day. Anyways we are so excited, supercross is actually coming to Salt Lake this year. We got tickets with our good friends and cant wait to go. Go James Stewert!!!!!
Posted by Asay's at 6:30 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I am so sad Christmas has come and gone. It was a great one for are whole family. Christmas Eve we first went to Adam's family's where Cliff and Casey made Prime Rib yummy. Then we went to my mom's and dads for the annual opening of Christmas Pj's and and reading the Christmas story and the Night before Christmas. The kids were all so excited. We came home and Bryton and Ashton went out and sprinkled the reindeer food for the reindeer all over the new snow and put the treats out for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer. I could not believe how fast they went to sleep. The next morning Both of our families came over it was so awesome having them all together to see the kids open their presents. We decided to start a new tradition this year. Before the kids go in and open their presents we sit down and say a prayer to start the morning off remembering the real reason for the season. It was nice to start the morning off this way. I thought Bryton may be in a hurry to go and see what Santa left but he actually was just fine. Then we spent the rest of the day eating and eating and putting legos together and playing with new toys and enjoying each other. I love Christmas.
Posted by Asay's at 7:40 AM 2 comments
Polar Express
We had the opportunity a few weeks to go on the Polar Express. It was such a great time. It will definitely be a new tradition. We went and ate at the home of the train before and the kids loved that. Cliff and Casey (Adam's brother and sister in law) were able to come up from Vernal which was nice because the boys were able to be all together to see the North Pole for the first time.
Posted by Asay's at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas Fun
Christmas has officially arrived at our house. Last Saturday we went to see Santa Train. This started about four years ago and has been a tradition every since. We go to the train station in Provo and the kids get to see Santa and see inside of the train. Adam's dad was actually the one who received the first invite, and every year since they are so nice to call us back. Bryton loves it , Paige on the other hand not so much. She was so afraid of Santa. As you can tell by the picture. Bryton is so funny. When we were in Disneyland he would say "thats not really mickey mouse, right mom. Thats just a person dressed up like Mickey Mouse." He is such an observant little boy. He has to know just how everything works. We were watching the Thanksgiving day parade and when he saw Santa he was really worried that it was not him because his beard was not long enough. But Santa train had a very long beard and he was so glad to see that. The first thing that he said was " Mom look how long Santa's beard is." it was a great day.
Grandpa and Isaac
Posted by Asay's at 7:45 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Thanksgiving (better late then never)
Every year we attempt to go to both families for thanksgiving!! I know we are crazy.I guess we just like to see how much weight we can gain in one day. This year was no different. We start at the Asay's. This is a big family, all of Chris's family comes and also Greg's Dad and sisters. It's a lot of fun, Bryton loves playing with his cousins. Grandma Huff asks the kids every year to say what they are Thankful for before dinner, and this year for some reason Adam and I were considered children again. It was funny!! After the Asay's we go to my family's. So much smaller. We usually spend the rest of the night there eat again, and play games. I love that my kids have so many people in there lives that love and care for them. Our families our amazing. Greg and Chris invited my family over to Thanksgiving at there house, but my mom had to work that afternoon, so they were not able to go. But I love that they get along so well. I am so thankful for family!!!!
On our way to Grandma's house.
Paige, me, Kaitlyn, and mom.
Grandma and Aunt Ina
Bryton and his best buddy Uncle Kade
Paige kissing Santa at Grandma Asay's
Adam taking the official after dinner position.
Posted by Asay's at 7:26 PM 2 comments